Wednesday, February 2, 2011


VITAMIN  "A" Its found in butter,egg yolk, cheese, liver, fish spinach and carrots.

This vitamin helps to build up resistance to diseases.It assists good eye sight and provides glowing skin.


VITAMIN A is found in butter,egg yolk, cheese,liver,fish,spinach and carrots.
This vitamin helps to build up resistance to disease


To one tablespoon of cucumber juice stir in a few drops of lime juice and a pinch of turmeric powder.Mix well and apply over your face and neck. Leave it for half an hour and then remove with warm water. This mix makes an excellent whitener for ALL TYPES of skin.

Dark complexioned people can become fairer by massaging the face with fresh coconut water twice daily for about 10 minutes.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

know your kitchen better.: Beauty in your own kitchen.

know your kitchen better.: Beauty in your own kitchen.: "Ripe red tomatoes cut in half and rubbed over the face are useful for toning up and whitening the skin and refining pores."

Beauty in your own kitchen.

Ripe red tomatoes cut in half and rubbed over the face are useful for toning up and whitening the skin and refining pores.

Beauty in your own kitchen.

Rub a used lemon rind over your face in mild circles,if you have an oily skin this will lessen the grease and whiten your complexion.

Whatever aid you decide to make use of,stick to it and do it regularly to get the best and lasting results.